Presentation Submission Deadline is Thursday, June 10, 2021
Format & Delivery
Format: Digital Poster Presentations consist of an ePoster (pdf file) and a 3-minute pre-recorded video. (sample poster booth)
Abstract Delivery: Digital poster presentations will be displayed on your assigned date in the virtual poster hall. Poster presenters need to be logged into the platform at their assigned poster time to respond to questions via text or video chat.
Digital Poster Details
ePoster Requirements
- Abstracts must fit on one page in portrait style (11″ wide x 17″ high)
- Posters will be submitted in PDF format
- Abstract must include:
- Title, authors and abstract
- Methods
- Results (results may be presented in table or graph form; authors are encouraged to refrain from delivering results both in text and table/graph format)
- Conclusion
Pre-Recorded Video Requirements
- 3-minute (maximum) pre-recorded video in mp4 file format
- Video must be in 16:9 (standard widescreen, not portrait)
- Video Options:
- Record yourself on your phone or webcam explaining your poster
- Record a PowerPoint presentation with slides and audio to elaborate on concepts
Recording a PowerPoint Video
Windows PowerPoint Presentation Tips & How-To:
Mac PowerPoint Presentation Tips & How-To:
Submitting Your Files
Submit your poster and video files with the form below
Sample Poster Online