Call for Abstracts

The Canadian Breast Cancer Symposium 2025 hosts the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Forum, showcasing high-quality, clinically relevant breast cancer research across Canada. We’re inviting applications for poster presentations to highlight peer-reviewed research from all regions of the country.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please ensure that your abstract meets the following inclusion criteria:

  • Your research must have been accepted/presented as a poster or presentation at a provincial, national, or international meeting since April 1, 2023, or published in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Alternatively, you may submit a request to present an update on a multi-center trial or advertise a clinical trial.
  • Research topics related to breast cancer care are welcome.
  • Submissions are accepted only from within Canada. Presenting authors may submit up to 2 poster abstracts.
  • Abstracts must be at most 500 words and include the following sections: Title, authors, background, methodology, results, and conclusion.
  • Presenters must register for the Symposium upon acceptance to present. Registration fees are waived for residents and fellows.
  • Final electronic posters will be requested after acceptance. The format for electronic posters is PDF, fitting on one page in portrait style (11” wide x 17” high).
  • The poster must include headings such as Title, authors, acknowledgements, Background, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion.
  • The top 3 abstracts will be presented orally in the main plenary session.
  • Video presentations will only be requested for the top 3 abstracts the Symposium Committee selects. The video presentation should be a maximum of 3 minutes long, in MP4 format, with slides in 16:9 format containing the Title, authors, acknowledgements, Background, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion.

These guidelines ensure a consistent and informative format for all abstract submissions, facilitating the review process and maintaining the quality of presentations at the Symposium.

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, October 15, 2024
    Call for Abstract Opens
  • Sunday, April 20, 2025
    Submission Deadline
  • Monday, April 28 , 2025
    Notifications of Acceptance
  • Friday, May 2, 2025
    Notification of Willingness to Present
  • Friday, May 23, 2025
    Poster Presenters must have paid and registered to attend
  • Friday, May 30, 2025
    Accepted posters must be received be submitted to CPD