Canadian Breast Cancer Symposium

June 19-20, 2025 — Hilton Downtown Toronto

2021 Agenda

Friday June 18, 2021
All times Eastern

This symposium has incorporated a minimum of 25% interactive Q&A period in every speaker presentation. To further increase opportunities for engagement, the conference committee is providing online tools that allow for the submission of questions and comments from participants.

08:00 Poster viewing
10:00 Welcome and introduction

Conference Chairs:
Drs. Christine Brezden-Masley, Tulin Cil and Eileen Rakovitch

10:10 Personalized Care: Where Stage + Subtype Meet Patients’ Personality + Values

Moderator: MJ DeCouteau

Patient Panel: Kim Angell, Kristal John and Liz Ma

10:30 Experts discuss breast cancer in 2021

Moderator: Dr. Eileen Rakovitch

Drs. Alastair Thompson, Susan Dent, Tim Whelan

11:00 Panel and Q&A with audience
11:15 Can we cure oligometastatic disease – Are we there yet?

Moderator: Dr. Karen Gelmon

  1. The role of systemic therapy
    Dr. Cristiano Ferrario
  2. The role of radiation
    Dr. David Palma
  3. The role of surgery
    Dr. Mark Basik
12:00 Panel and Q&A with audience
12:25 Multi-gene signatures and oncogenomics

Moderator: Dr. Anne Koch

  1. Multi-gene signatures in early breast cancer, utility in systemic therapy for NAT and in N1 disease?
    Dr. Stephen Chia
  2. Multi-gene signatures and radiation decision-making
    Dr. Eileen Rakovitch
  3. The use of ctDNA to guide therapy
    Dr. David Cescon
12:55 Panel and Q&A with audience
1:15 Break
1:35 Systemic therapy

Moderator: Christine Brezden-Masley

  1. Top clinical advances in ER+/HER2- breast cancer
    Dr. Zachary Veitch
  2. Top clinical advances in HER2+ breast Cancer
    Dr. Christine Simmons
  3. Top clinical advances in triple negative breast cancer
    Dr. John Hilton
2:05 Panel and Q&A with audience
2:30 Surgical care in 2021

Moderator: Dr. Tulin Cil

  1. Management of the axilla
    Dr. Andrea Covelli
  2. Management of DCIS in 2021
    Dr. Shelley Hwang
  3. Extending the boundaries of breast conservation surgery with oncoplastic breast surgery
    Dr. Lashan Peiris
3:05 Panel and Q&A with audience
3:20 Neoadjuvant systemic therapy: Who should be offered this? Indications and controversies for neoadjuvant therapy (NAT)

Moderator: Dr. JF Boileau

  1. Criteria for NAT
    Dr. Rebecca Dent
  2. Radiation after NAT
    Dr. Julia White
  3. Surgical management after NAT
    Dr. Terry Mamounas
4:05 Panel and Q&A with audience
4:15 Break
4:25 Breast Cancer in the younger and older populations

Moderator: Dr. Amanda Roberts

Case presentations – panel:

  1. Surgery
    Dr. May Lynn Quan
  2. Medical Oncology
    Dr. Ellen Warner
  3. Fertility
    Dr. Karen Glass
  4. Genetics
    Dr. Kelly Metcalfe
  5. Radiation oncology
    Dr. Anne Koch
  6. Geriatrics
    Dr. Camilla Wong
5:10 Panel and Q&A with audience
5:25 Closing remarks and poster presentation Awards

Moderators: Drs. Christine Brezden-Masley, Tulin Cil and Eileen Rakovitch

Top three poster presentations

3rd place:
Immediate breast reconstruction in advanced breast cancer: is it safe?
Dr. Kadhim Taqi

2nd place:
Management of Triple-negative Breast Cancer in Octogenarians: A Population-based Evaluation
Dr. Salila Hashmi

Top abstract:
Longitudinal study of psychosocial outcomes following surgery in women with unilateral, nonhereditary breast cancer
Dr. David Lim

People choice award

5:45 Adjourn